Kaggle Titanic ship analysis

Name: Abdulhamid Lawal

This is an analysis of the HNG internship program (HNG Internship and HNG Premium) and is part of the Data Analysis Stage Zero tasks. Using the Titanic dataset provided by Kaggle, this review seeks to uncover the key factors that impacted the survival chances of passengers on the ill-fated voyage. By examining the dataset, we aim to identify the variables that played a crucial role in determining who survived and who did not.

The dataset contains information about passengers on the Titanic, including demographic details, ticket information, and survival outcomes.

- The analysis aims to identify factors that influenced survival, using variables like:

1. PassengerId

2. Survived ( outcome variable)

3. Pclass (class of travel)

4. Name

5. Sex

6. Age

7. SibSp (number of siblings/spouses aboard)

8. Parch (number of parents/children aboard)

9. Ticket

10. Fare(Fee paid by each passenger)

 11. Cabin

 12. Embarked (port of embarkation)

Titanic Survival Analysis:

Overall Observations

1. Class Matters: First-class passengers had a significantly higher survival rate

2. Age Plays a Role:

    Children (0-10) had the highest survival rate.

    Young adults (10-30) faced lower survival rates, especially around age 20.

    Middle-aged adults (30-60) had balanced survival rates.

    Older adults (60+) had lower survival rates.

3. Gender Makes a Difference: Females had a higher survival rate.

4. The Fares (fees paid by passengers) the discrepancy in fares can be attributed to factors such as Cabin and Embarked .

Dataset review

The Titanic dataset contains a mix of both numerical and categorical data.

Numerical data:

- Age (integer)

- Fare (float)

- SibSp (integer)

- Parch (integer)

Categorical data:

- Survived (binary: 0 = no, 1 = yes)

- Pclass (categorical: 1st, 2nd, 3rd class)

- Sex (categorical: male, female)

- Cabin (categorical: alphabetical labels)

The the gender_submission dataset a dummy variable was used to differentiate between a male and a female where all entry for males are 0 and all entry for females are 1 

In summary, class, gender, and age significantly impacted survival chances during the Titanic disaster. A-class passengers, females, and young children were more likely to survive, while young adults and older individuals faced greater risks.
